Saturday, January 29, 2011


Increasing the Memory power is everybodies need. Many were there who are trying to increase their IQ by medicines and meditations. Here are some easy tips to brighten your MEMORY..

1. Your brain loves COLOUR. Use coloured pens to write. Its easy for brain to remember coloured writings.

2. An adult brain can effectievly concentrate only upto 25 minutes. Take a 10 minute break after 25 to 30 minutes of studying. This can improve your concentration.

3. Your brain is like a sea of electro chemical activity. Brain is 80% water and if any dehydration occur it will easily affect brain. So drink enough water always.

4. Your brain and body have its own rythm cycle. They work better in this time. Find out which is your PEAK PERIOD, and prefer that time for studying.

5. Your brain and body communicate constantly. So if your body is tired brain also will be in that condition. So study when your body is not tired.

6. Your brain is affected by SMELLS. Use aroma therapy to keep your brain alert. Peppermint, Cinnamon and Lemon are good ones to experiment with.

7. Your brain needs OXYGEN. Try to be in a room with good ventilation.

8. Your brain cells in the hippo campus, an area related to memory get affected by cortisol, which is roduced during stress. Exercise is the best medicine for cortisol.

9. Your brain needs repitations. Its better to do short frequent repitations than long reviews. Because it counts how many times brain see something, not how long.

10. Use a finger or pen to lead your eyes while you are reading.

Learning is a fun if you do it with your own interest. . .

Sunday, January 23, 2011

AYURVEDA ~ to cure your Body, Mind & Soul

Ayurveda is, perhaps, the oldest science of life, a system of diet,
healing and health maintenance that is deeply spiritual in origin. Unlike traditional Western medicine, Ayurveda is not confined to healing of disease in a superficial treatment of symptoms. Instead, it evaluates the complete body mind of the individual.

Ayurveda teaches us to understand our body; our particular nature; and our individual mixture of elements at a deep physical, mental and emotional level. With that knowledge we are able to identify activities conditions, herbs and foods that either keep us healthy and in balance, or make us ill and throw us out of balance.

Ayurveda is a science of life so to
know more about it, we must know what is life. Life, according to Ayurveda, is a combination of
senses, mind, body and soul. It is
clear from this definition of life that Ayurveda is not only limited to body or physical symptoms but also gives a comprehensive knowledge about spiritual, mental and social health..

The entire science of ayurveda is
based on the 'Five Great Elements' (Panchmahabhuta) theory. These five elements are earth (prithvi), water (jal), fire (agni or tejas), air (vayu) and ether or space (akasha). In popular tradition, the universe is understood to be made up of these elements. Ayurveda comprehends body, mind and spirit likewise and has specific methods for working on each. It divides the constitution of people into three humoral categories - Vata (ether/air), Pitta (fire) and Kapha (water/earth)..

According to the concept of good
management, ayurveda insists that the 'fault' or dosha, the 'tissue' or dhatu and the 'impurity' or mala should be in harmony with each other, with all the components
properly balanced. Any discordant note in this synthesis due to external or internal causes is a cause for concern. These are basically therapeutic measures taken either to prevent diseases or cure them. Thus ayurvedic procedures are done either to detoxify the body or as a prelude to strengthening the immune system. . .

There where many medical systems and medicines available to cure day to day diseases.
HEALTH IS THE REAL WEALTH for all of us. Being healthy is everybodies need.. Its your choice to select what medicine you need to take.. Chose wisely. . .

Wednesday, January 19, 2011


Indian metaphysics describes the
aura as an emanation that can only
be felt in a state of tranquility.Auras not only reflect our distinctive personalities but are also a barometer of energy fields within
our body.The aura is a protective shield that keeps you healthy and joyful. However, stress and illness may adversely affect your aura.

Every thing in this universe seems to be just a vibration. Aura may be an electro photonic vibration responce of object to some external excitation(such as an ambient light for example)

The aura is like a multicolored mist,
comprising seven layers of vital
energy that radiates through you
and around you. These layers are:

1.Etheric layer (or the layer of physical health): It is bright in a healthy.
2.Emotional layer: Used as a
storehouse for emotions.
3.Mental layer: A weak mental layer
indicates lack of will power.
4.Astral layer: Deals with matters of
the heart, provides a link between
body, mind and spirit and connects
the individual with all other living
beings. It is large and bright in those who give relationships paramount importance.
5.Etheric template: The energy field of communication and creative
expression. Blockage or darkness in
this layer indicates a feeling of
6.Celestial layer: Represents the visual senses. It also reflects an individual's view of the world.
7.Ketheric layer: When shining
brightly, it indicates a mind unafraid of judgments and criticism.

Although the aura is generally a
mixture of various colors, every aura has a distinctive shade that denotes the personality of an individual.

BLUE - Peaceful, content. For seekers on the spiritual path.
GREEN - Ambitious with a tenacity
to achieve.
WHITE - Eccentric and bored with
the mundane. Chameleon-
like personality.
ORANGE - Creatively communicative.
RED - Living life in the fast lane
and fighting for convictions.
PURPLE - Inclination towards magic
and mysticism with strong psychic abilities. .

By regular concenteation you can see your or others auea easiy. Try to do the folowing,
Sit before a mirror. Stare off to the side of your ear. You will notice a layer of light close to your head. With time, you will start seeing colors. Choose a semi-dark room. Hold a white piece of cardboard with one hand and place your other hand before it. Shift focus from the tip of your fingers to take in your entire hand. Relax your gaze. Slowly, you will detect a soft haze outlining the shape of your hand. Pay attention to any color you may detect. With time, you will be
able to hold the colors in vision..!!

Every one have AURA, everything have AURA, if you able to concentrate, you can see this beautifull feature, with which you can detect or predict features of the person or thing infront of you easily. . :)

Tuesday, January 11, 2011


Some animals have developed
amazing adaptations to their
environments. Here are some examples of how some animals sense the outside world..!!

ANTS-- Can detect small movements through 5cm of earth. They can see polarized light..

BATS-- Can detect warmth of an animal from 16cm away. They can find food from upto 18ft using echolocation. They can hear sounds in betwenn frequency 3000hz to 120000hz..

BEES-- Can see lights between 300nm to 650nm. Worker honey bees have 5500 lences in their each eye. They also have a ring of iron oxide in their abdomen which they used to detect earths magnetic fields..

BUTTERFLY-- Has taste receptors in their feets. Have hairs in its wings which can detect air pressure variations..

CATS--Have hearing range of 100 to 60000hz. Olfactory membrane about 14 sq. cm. For comparison, humans have an olfactory membrane of about 4 sq. cm..

COCROACH-- Can detect movement as small as 2,000 times the diameter of a hydrogen atom..

CRAB-- Has hairs on claws and other parts of the body to detect water
current and vibration. Many crabs have their eyes on the end of stalks..

DOGS-- Has olfactory membrane up
to 150 sq. cm. Can hear sound as high as 40,000 Hz..

EARTH WORMS-- Entire body is covered with taste receptors..

ELEPHENTS-- Has hearing range
between 1 and 20,000 Hz. The very
low frequency sounds are in the
"infrasound" range. Humans cannot hear sounds in the infrasound range..

FALCON-- Can see a 10cm object from 1.5km. Can see sharp images even when diving at 100 miles/hr..

FLY-- Each eye has 3,000 lenses. Blowflies taste with 3,000 sensory hairs on their feet..

GRASS HOPPER-- Has hairs ("sensilla") all over the body to detect air movement. Can hear up to 50,000Hz..

MOSQUITO-- Attracted to host by human body odor (especially foot
odor), carbon dioxide, body heat and body humidity..

SCORPION-- Can detect air moving at only 0.072km/hr with special hairs on its pincers. Can have as many as
12 eyes..

Saturday, January 8, 2011




2 and half million new RBC produced.
15 million blood cells are destroyed.
25 million new cells are produced.


an RBC circum navigate our body.


EYE PROCESSES 36,000 bits of informations.
600,000 particles of skin is shedding.
23,040 times we breath.


100,00 times heart beats.
400 times blood pass through kidney.
720 litre blood processed by liver.
200 billion platelets produced.
1000's of neurons die.
Eye muscles move 100,000 times.
2 million litre air inhaled.
We make 1 litre saliva.
1\2 litre water lost through breath.
80 hairs is likely to fall.


Stomach produce new muscle lining.


We grow a brand new outer skin layer.


Our skeliton renews itsef.


Average man sleeps 122 days.


We breath 40 pounds of dust particles.
16,000 gallon of water we drink.
We makes enough spit to fill 2 swimming pools...

Tuesday, January 4, 2011


Ayurveda, is a sacred system of medicine evolved in india many many years before. It has both philosophical and a practical basis, the practical perspective springing from its spiritual basis.

According to AYURVEDA, the particular combination of energies present when we born in this world is known as our innate constitution or PRAKRUTI. Its the source book for our health vitality and well being. The ETHER, AIR, FIRE, WATER, & EARTH are considered to be the 5 Basic constituants with which entire world is formed. In our body these 5 elements come together to form 3 basic constitutional types called VATA, PITTA & KAPHA. If AIR & ETHER predominate in your constitution, you are VATA in nature. If FIRE & WATER, you are PITTA in nature and if WATER & EARTH take the lead in your physical makeup, KAPHA is your constitution.

Its not easy to find what constitution we are by doing any laboratory examinations. But, these 3 constitutions have their own charectors. By checking these we can get a general idea of our body. Knowing our constitution will be very usefull because, its this constitution which decide what we are. Given below are some sets of choices.There will be 3 choices A, B, C in each set. Select proper choice which best describe you in each set, and at last count how many A, B and C 's you got and then we can decide our constitution..!!

A. You are thin, and usually have been.
B. You are Medium sized, and well proportioned frame.
C. Tend to be ample build.

A. You have light bones.
B. Medium bone structure.
C. Heavy bone structure.

A. Have hard time gaining weight.
B. Can gain or lose weight relatively easily if you put your mind to it.
C. Gain weight easily, have hard time losing it.

A. Small, active, dark eyes.
B. Penetrating light green, grey or amber eyes.
C. Large attractive eyes with thich eye lashes.

A. Dry skin, chaps easily.
B. Oily skin and hair.
C. Thick skin, cool, well lubricated.

A. Dark complexion, relative to the rest of your family. Tan easily.
B. Fair skin, sun burn easily.
C. Tan slowly, but usually evenly, skin stays cool.

A. Dark rough hair.
B. Light oily hair, red or grey early.
C. Thick, little oily, dark or light hair.

A. Prefer warm climate.
B. Prefer cool, well ventilated climate.
C. Any climate is fine, as long as it is not too humid.

A. Variable appetite.
B. Irritable if you miss a meal.
C. Like to eat, good appetite.

A. Bowels are irregular, dry hard or constipated.
B. Easy & regular bowels, soft, oily, loose.
C. Regular, steady, thick heavy bowels.

A. Like to stay physically active.
B. Enjoy physical activities,especially competative ones.
C. Love lesurely activities most.

A. Change your mind easily.
B. Have openions and like to share them.
C. Rarely change your openions, or change only slowly.

A. Tend toward fear or anxiety under stress.
B. Tend towards anger or frustration under stress.
C. Tend to avoid difficult situations.

A. You think money is there to spent.
B. You think money is best spent on special items.
C. Money is easy to save for you.

A. Brittle nails.
B. Fleyible nails, but pretty strong.
C. Strong thick nails.

So, thats all the choices. Now you just count the number of A, B & C. Then if you have more number of A, then you are a VATA predominant person. If B is more for you, you are a PITTA predominant one. If its C, KAPHA predominant and if 3 are equal, its called SAMA DOSHA constitution or you have VATA, PITTA & KAPHA nature in equal manner.

So you now found your constitution, now just look what are the general qualities of you according to your predominancy.

1.VATA constitution:~
Person with VATA predominats is blessed with quic mind, ready flexibility and creative thoughts. You are likely to be on the go, mentally or physically or both. Exposure to cool climates will easily affect your body badly. Winter and Fall seasons will make your body much disturbed, and may cause flatulence, bioting, tics or twitches, aching joints, dry skin & hair, brittle nails, nerve disturbances, constipation and mental confusion or chaos. These mental disturbances often relate to fear, anxiety or memory loss.
TIPS TO KEEP YOU HEALTHY :~ Avoid cold drinks and foods. Take warm foods. Avoid raw foods especially raw apple and members of cabbage family. Emphasize sweet, sour and salty tastes in your food choices. Keep a regular routine..

2. PITTA constitution:~
Person with PITTA constitution is blessed with determination, strong will and probably good digestive fire. You have sharp minds, passionate feelings(sometimes submerged) and are likely to want to lead. You have creative fire towards specific purposes. Summer and high noons may affect your health. You are easy to get sun burns, prickly heat or short tempers. You may also affected easily with skin rashes, ulcerations, fever, inflamations etc. You may change moods rapidly, get irritated and often got angry, frustration or jealousy.
TIPS TO KEEP YOU HEALTHY :~ Avoid excess heat, steam and humidity. Avoid excess oils, fried foods, salt, alcohol, caffeine, red meat and hot spices. Emphasize fresh fruits and vegetables. Enjoy ample amounts of milk, cottage cheece, and whole grains. Emphasize sweet, bitter, and astringent tastes in your food choices. Get plenty of fresh air.

3. KAPHA constitution :~
Person with this KAPHA predominance is blessed with strength, endurance and stamina. You are solid, reliable, and easy going. You may get easily affected with colds, sinusitis, depression, sluggishness, excess weight, diabetes, oedema, headaches etc. You can tolerate intence exercise of longer duration than any other constitutional type. Eating lazily infront of Tv, may result the gravity to pull your mass down towards your belley and hips.
TIPS TO KEEP YOU HEALTHY :~ Get a pleanty of physical activity daily. Reduce fat consumption. Avoide iced foods & drinks. Emphasiz pungent, bitter and astringent tastes in foods. Allow excitements and challenges in your life..

After all No body will have only a single constitution. There will be VATA, PITTA & KAPHA in each body. Only difference is that the amount of each will be differ.
"Hope you got a general idea about your body now..." :)

Saturday, January 1, 2011


The VEDAs which are considered as the earliest records of indo-aryan civilization are one of the most sacred books of India. A saying in the VEDAs claims that "Speech is the essence of Humanity". All of what humanity thinks and ultimately becomes is the expression of ideas and actions through speech. Everything the VEDAs maintain is come through speech. Ideas remain unactualized untill they are created by the power of speech.

All words have a power inside. The power in a word will come out based on the way that words are used by our tounge. Same words can produce both negative and positive vibrations based on the way and situation of its use.

There are some sets of words which are coined together with some sorts of tune which are uttered or we can say chanted in a specific metre of speed and vibrations, called as MANTHRA. Saying any word produces an actuall physical vibration. Over the time, if we know what the effect of that vibration is, then the word may come to have meaning associated with the effect of saying that vibration or word. If the actuall phsical vibration is coupled with mental intention, the vibration then contain an additional mental component which influences the result of saying it.


Which means that which uplift with constant repitations is MANTHRA. The sound of MANTHRAs can uplift believer to the HIGHER SELF. Human body have a pre deposited conciousness. Each body parts and each systems of body have their own conciousness. MANTHRAs when we chant begins with a powerfull vibration which corresonds to specific spiritual energy frequency and a state of conciousness in seed form. After a length of time of chantng, which may be depend on individual, the vibrations of manthra override all other vibrations which are coming from the person chanting it and even those who are near to them. Then slowly the inborn presetted vibrations of them will change to the way MANTHRA vibrates ultimately the MANTHRA tune body to a higher spiritual state..

So MANTHRAs are those which can protect whom they chant it. Every simple words can become a MANTHRA if we use them in a proper way and also every great MANTHRA can become simple words if not used in a proper way. We can conclude this with a quote from bible (John 1:1) that, In the beginning was the word and word was with the god and word was the god. So lets use all our words in a proper way with all respects to the devine power inside them. .