Wednesday, December 15, 2010



1.Human head remains concious even after its decapitated upto 15 seconds...
2.Medical research shows no disease ever identified has been compleetely eradicared.
3.In 1972 group of scientists reported that you can cure common cold by freezing bigger toe.
4.Humen speach needs interaction between 72 different muscles.
5.Thumb is the same length as nose.
6.Storage capacity of brain exceeds 4tetrabytes.
7.Substance that humen blood resembles most closly in terms of chemical composition is sea water.
8.Humen jaw muscle can generate a force of 200pounds(90.8kg) on molar.
9.40-50% of body heat can be lost through head as a result of its extensieve circulatory network.
10.Aproximatly 85% of skin cancers are due to much exposure to sunlight.
11.Excessieve stress can alter brain cells, brain structure, and even brain function.
12.Average number of thoughts humens believed to be experienced each day is 70,000.
13.Alcohol interfere with brain by loosening connection between neurons.
14.Laughing for a joke is not a simple task as it requires activity of 5 different parts of brain.
15.Living brain is so soft and can be cut easily by a table knife.

16. Part of body which have no blood supplay is cornea of eye. It took oxygen from air directly.
17. Chewinggum while peeling onions will keep you from crying.
18. Pupil of eye expand as much as 45% when a person looks something pleasing.
19. Laughing lowers level of stress hormone and strengthen immune system.
20. The colour blue has the capacity to release calming hormons from brain,
21. Every time you sneeze some of your brain cells die.
22. A new borne baby loses half of its nerve cells before its borne.
23. A single hair can hold 100gm of weight,
24. Average man sleeps 122days in 365days,
25. In a life time our kidney clean 1million gallon of blood aprox.

26. Even twins dont have an identical fingerprint, even if they have an identical DNA.
27. Bones in body makes 14% of weight.
28. Foot have, 25% of all bones within our body.
29. Gastric acid can eat an iron table in 5minutes.
30. Brain has 100billions of neurons.
31. Brain composed of 75 to 80% water. Dehydration can affect proper brain functions.
32. Brain accounts 2% of body weight only, but it consumes 20% of oxygen we breath roughly and 20% of our daily calories.
33. Brain is more active during night.
34. Brain is not capable to feel pain, if skull is opened its possible to operate on brain with patient awake.
35. Every 60seconds, 1000ml blood flows through brain.
36. Infornation in brain passes 268 miles per hour.
37. About 2 and half RBC produced every second in our body.
38. A healthy liver processes 720 litre blood per day.
39. Womens heart beats faster than men.
40. Humen blood contains 22,000 million cells.
41. Humen blood vessel when unite to a single piece can circle world 2 and half times.
42. Heart beats 30 million times a year.
43. 10 capillaries needed to make a hair thickness.
44. Cells of brain and heart do not multiply in life time.
45. Only 4% of brain cells are working, remaining are kept reserved.
46. Brain have more than 100 billion nerve cells and over 50 billion other cells.
47. From age 35, 7000 neurons lost per day.
48. Brain is 75 to 80% water. Dehydration will affect proper functioning of brain.
49. Brain is more active during night.
50. On an average, 100,000 to 1000,000 chemical reactions takes place in our brain.


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