Tuesday, December 28, 2010

You have this 'Ghrrrr' while you sleep??!

Snoring is a common sleep disorder that can affect all people at any age, although it occurs more frequently in men and people who are overweight. Its the vibration of respiratory structures and the resulting sound, due to obstructed air movement during breathing while sleeping..
Occasional snoring is usually not very serious and is mostly a nuisance for the bed partner of the person who snores.However, the habitual snorer not only disrupts the sleep patterns of those close to him, he also disturbs his own..
The physical obstruction of the flow of air through the mouth and nose is the cause of snoring. The walls of the throat vibrate during breathing, resulting in the distinctive sounds of snoring. Air flow can be obstructed by a combination of factors like, Obstructed nasal airways, Poor muscle tone in the throat and tongue, Bulky throat tissue, Long soft palate and/or uvula etc..
Statistics on snoring are often contradictory, but at least 30% of adults and perhaps as many as 50% of people in some demographics snore.Habitual snorers can be at risk for serious health problems. Obstructive sleep apnea is an illness that is often associated with chronic snoring..

More than all other health risks, its a bit of cause for others to laugh on you, and ofcourse a real headache for those who sleep near you..

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